TPO & Seapost Society Home and News Page

Come and meet us in 2024

We will be at SWINPEX 8th June 2024, Grange Leisure & Community Centre, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN3 4JY

We are also attending a new venue: Sunday 3rd November 2024 - Midland Philatelic Federation / Thames Valley Philatelic Federation Fair, Blessed George Napier School, Springfield Avenue, Banbury, OX16 9JD

Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Not only are we here to meet members and new faces but we bring items to sell: covers and books to satisfy a wide variety of collecting interests. Make sure you stop by our table.

Current TPO Journal

The Summer 2024 Journal, number 365, has been mailed. The contents are listed below. The Summer 2024 auction closes on the 15th July 2024.

Publications 2024

United Fruit Co. by Mike Dovey and Ken Bottoms. See details on our publications page.

Recent Publications 2023

British Long Distance Mail Packets Volume 2, The Harwich Packets 1816-1834, by Colin Tabeart is a detailed study of Harwich packets based on original research from newspapers of the time. This book aims to show how packet mails between the United Kingdom and northern Europe travelled during the final years of the sailing packets era, and how such letters were rated. See the flyer on our publications page.

Recent Website Updates

Member Keith Morris has provided a new article listing marks of Travelling Post Offices and Postal Agencies of British Guiana

Ever prolific, Keith has also just published The Orient Express – its History and its Postal History, available to download here.

Visit our Research Resources Page

Research and Survey / Census projects carried out by our members and articles of note published elsewhere by our members. Click to go to our Research Resources Page.


1906 underpaid postcard of ‘The Beach and Bathing Station Aberdeen’ addressed to Quebec Canada with GB stamp cancelled dc PORT ERROLL / 712 dated OC 6 06. Alongside is the very scarce tax mark of the London & Holyhead TPO 'T / L&H' (W192). On arrival a Canadian 2 cent postage due was added together with a large ‘2’ and a Quebec/Canada cds dated OC 15 06. These are difficult to find. See lot 127 in current Auction.


The Summer 2024 edition of the TPO Journal is now available with the following content:

Submarine Covers Telling a Story - 4 Early Liverpool - Manchester Mail - 1
The Postal History of SS Great Britain - an Introductory Overview - 3 New "Late Fee Not Paid" Handstamps issued to GB TPOs in 1959
Suriname - "Ferrij Dienst" USA - RPO in the Snow - 1
An Early Late Fee Box USA - Spur Car or Spud Car?
Letters & Emails - Maritime Corrections
Next Auction Copy and Publishing dates for the Journal

Please look at the Contact page to see our current cover choices. You may also return to the Welcome Page or go to the site map.

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Last updated May/June 2024

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