Seapost -> Catalogue of Ocean Letters

Marconi and Danish Ocean Letters
a catalogue work in progress

By Otto Kjærgaard

British Wireless Marine Service Ocean Letter
Ocean letter to Franklin Roosevelt cancelled in New York on 9 February 1933 to the future President of the USA in the new more functional design when Marconi had changed the name into British Wireless Marine Service.

I collect ocean letters and discussed them (by email) quite extensively with Roger Hosking when he was alive. I am trying to make a catalogue of ocean letters. I discovered that there are more types than the ones in Hosking's marvellous ground breaking books. I hope by putting part of my work with this catalogue on the website that others will contribute by sending scans of the types I do not have, and colour scans of the ones in grey. Hopefully, many will contribute by making improvements, additions, and corrections of my mistakes. I hope to publish the catalogue as a book in the future and hope those who contribute will allow me to use their scans as illustrations.

I have put up the Marconi section and hope to receive help to fill out the gaps. The numbering is mine, but in brackets I refer to Hosking's types, and where there are no brackets, it is what I believe to be an additional type, unrecorded in Hosking's books. There are a lot of question marks. Please, help clarify them.

I believe the catalogue of the Danish ocean letters is almost complete, but if you have additions or corrections, I would most obliged. Any questions on the Danish ones are most welcome.

I also lack some illustrations for the German, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Italian ocean letters, but if I can find cooperative collectors, I believe a marvellous catalogue can be made on this most interesting area. I am still working on these ocean letters and therefore most interested in scans, from these countries also.

Being a non-native English speaker, I hope you will excuse my English and contribute to improving it. Please send scans - preferably in 300 dpi (front and back sides please) to: .

The objective of this web page is to motivate collectors to look for similar items in their collection and to ask them to alert us to any new information. Hopefully I can fill many gaps through the help of the community and I thank everybody for checking the list and for any information received.

Finally, for members and visitors not familiar with this subject, I hope you find the background information included in each section to be of interest.

Otto Kjærgaard
May 2017


Ocean Letter Catalogue sections:

The lists are provided as a PDF document which may be viewed online or downloaded for printing, reference and review.

1) The Marconi International Marine Communication Company Ocean Letters

Click to view Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Marconi Ocean Letters by Otto Kjaergaard (0.93Mb)[May 2017 edition]

2) Danish Ocean Letters

Click to view Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file: Danish Ocean Letters by Otto Kjaergaard (2.5Mb)[May 2017 edition]

To save a document you are recommended to click on the download icon with your right mouse button and select the 'save link as / save target as' function to save the document directly to a folder on your computer hard drive.



The following will be found very useful:
An Introduction to Ocean Letters, by Roger Hosking, TPO & Seapost Society, 2002
Ocean Letters - A Sequel, by Roger Hosking, TPO & Seapost Society, 2006

Overview of Ocean Letters by Roger Hosking: click to view.

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