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Hamburg Steam Ship routes to London and Amsterdam 1825 to 1833

By Erling Berger

Two steam ship routes were set up in Hamburg in 1825: Hamburg to London and Hamburg to Amsterdam. In 1828 the route Hamburg to Hull was added.

Some on-line Hamburg newspapers provide news of the movements of these steam ships.

Usually, to find an article about one of these ships, search inside for the text "dampf". If you have the name of a particular ship then search for " dampf shipname". For example, once you have opened a link, search inside for "dampf jolliffe", ["dampf" means "steam"]. In the Hamburg newspapers every advertisement for a steam boat service has the words "Dampf-Packetfahrt".

These main links are listed below:

Links to Staats und gelehrte Zeitung des hamburgischen unpartheyischen Correspondenten 1825-1831

Links to Börsen Halle

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