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Articles and Research Resources
This page contains links to research projects, survey data and articles that add to the postal history record. The articles and data are from members and do not appear on other websites. Typically articles may have appeared in publications of other societies. For research resources appearing on other websites please go to our links page.
Articles provided by members.
Australia - UK Mails: The Accountancy Period 1854-1857 by Colin Tabeart RDP, GB. The article has been slightly improved since it appeared in the PHS Journal in 2007 and Sydney Views in 2008.
The Queensland Royal Mail by Colin Tabeart RDP, GB. The Queensland Royal Mail charts the mail service from Queensland to the UK between 1881 and 1898 including sailing data and postage rates, with updates as of January 2017.
Steamers to pick up mails from wind-bound vessels in the English Channel by Colin Tabeart RDP. The British Government contracted a steamer to pick up mails from sailing ships stranded in the English Channel from 1837 to early 1840's. This article explains why there were so many SHIP LETTERS landed along the English Channel coast in the 1830's.
Early voyages of the Orient Line between England and Australia, 1877-1879 by Colin Tabeart RDP. Colin catalogues early sailings not listed in GP Molnar’s fine monograph on the Orient Line.
The More the Rail the Faster the Mail by Colin Tabeart, RDP. Slides from Colin's 2011 Rossiter Trust Lecture: A study of the impact of major railway systems on speeding the ocean mails between the UK and the rest of the world in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Frank R. Scheer discusses mail delivery in the Chesapeake Bay area: When there were Railway Post Offices Without Railroads in Virginia, USA
Research Resources
Travelling Post Offices and Postal Agencies of British Guiana / Guiana by Keith Morris, 2024. [10Mb]
The Travelling Post Offices of Brazil - A personal record by Jay Grace Walmsley FRPSL, 2023. [13Mb]
The Travelling Post Offices of Ceylon - an update by Keith Morris, 2023. [7Mb]
Check list of New Zealand Railway Travelling Post Offices cancellations by Anthony Nicholson.
The Orient Express – its History and its Postal History compiled by Keith Morris.
Census of the Liverpool Floating Receiving House mark by Julian Tweed.
Catalogue of Hungary TPO Marks by Lutz Ihnken. Member input is sought to improve the listing.
Listing of Southampton Slogan Paquebot marks is available on the Southampton DPS website.
Census of BIRMINGHAM SHIP mark: click here.
Instructions for operating the US-German joint Sea Post Offices: click here.
Survey of German and American ships on the North Atlantic route
Check your collection of German / American Sea Post Office cancels against this survey and report any new information.
Draft catalogue of Ocean Letters
A new catalogue of Ocean Letters is being prepared by member Otto Kjærgaard. Review draft chapters here and add your input.
Mail for the Merchant Navy
Pamphlet issued by the Ministry of Transport (Notice No. M. 249) outlining the "New Arrangements for addressing mail posted in United Kingdom ... to men serving in all merchant ships", dated November 1943. PDF download.
A related document is a letter from THE SHIPPING FEDERATION on the topic of MAILS FOR MERCHANT SHIPS, Circular 51 / 43, dated 19th November, 1943, signed by W. J. D. LYFORD-PIKE, Assistant Secretary. The letter's attachment covers full details of a new scheme for the treatment and disposal of crew mail which have also been agreed by the Post Office; Admiralty and Censorship. View here.
Hamburg Steam Ship routes to London and Amsterdam 1825 to 1833
A set of links to online Hamburg newspapers of the period documenting the arrival and departure of mail carrying ships on this service is presented on this page.
South Africa - UK voyages 1850 to 1893
This manuscript lists sailings between the UK and South Africa during the period 1850 and 1893. View pdf version here.
Blue Funnel P class vessels
Blue Funnel P class vessels by Mike Dovey. Initially published in SHIPS MONTHLY, 2024